#Cobalt strike beacon commands plus#
A new HTTP/S beacon spawned using this C2 profile will check in using the sleep time as its callback interval, plus a random amount of time up to the specified by the jitter percentage. These settings control the default time between Beacon check in (in milliseconds). This does not affect Beacon's traffic or its footprint on target. !Choose a profile name you would like to see in your reports. The references and guidelines described below use the Malleable C2 profile found at. The reference profile is self-documented, but let's walk through each section… It is often used as the starting point to build new profiles. The jQuery profile has been tuned and tweaked as a base profile we have used for a few years. Start from scratch or use a template? We recommend using an existing profile and develop your own template. This is a generic approach and may work against wide range of targets. We chose to use a jQuery request to blend in. Convincing a network analyst or security team that traffic is safe is a good technique to bypass security defenses and cause analysts to ignore alerts or mark them safe. Network traffic from a C2 profile may bypass network sensors, but you want to tune to convince a defender that traffic is legitimate. C2 traffic should blend in with normal traffic. This javascript framework is often used by many websites and may blend into a target's network.Ĭonsider your target when deciding on what a profile to emulate.
This C2 profile is designed to mimic a jQuery request. Prepend example profile used in the post can be found at. Some special characters do not need escaping Follow this to reduce troubleshooting errors.Įnclose parameters in double quote, not single The following are quick tips to consider when setting parameter values. Remember you're still generating "beaconing" network traffic that creates a detectable pattern that is mostly independent of the chosen profile.It's likely that public Malleable C2 profiles are signatured by security products. If you are new to malleable C2, we recommend starting with this reference by Jeff Dimmock or reading the other references.īig thanks to and for helping test and develop this C2 profile!!! It is highly documented and contains tips and guidance to aide in creating new C2 profiles. The profile found at ( is to used as a reference profile. The article makes the assumption that you understand the basics of malleable C2 and is intended to be used as reference for designing and creating malleable C2 profiles. All of these features are controlled by the Malleable C2 profile, which is chosen when starting the team server. By changing various defaults within the framework, an operator can modify the memory footprint of Beacon, change how often it checks in, and even what Beacon's network traffic looks like. One of Cobalt Strike's most valuable features is its ability to modify the behavior of the Beacon payload. A Deep Dive into Cobalt Strike Malleable C2 ¶
New Information Security and Red Teaming Blog Threat Express by MINIS SubShell and TinyShell - Custom Covert Webshells Leveraging Expired Domains for Red Team Engagements Threat Get's a Vote - Applying a Threat-Based Approach to Security TestingĪutomating Cobalt Strike Profiles Apache mod_rewrite htaccess Files for Intelligent C2 Redirectionīorrowing Microsoft MetaData and Signatures to Hide Binary Payloads A Deep Dive into Cobalt Strike Malleable C2